
Sunday, November 6, 2016

AW 16/17

AW 16/17

I'm sure you're looking at this like "girl what exactly is...this?" considering this may look like a clusterfuck of pretty pictures but follow me, follow me, follow me *Snoop Dogg voice*

What you are looking at is my Autumn/Winter Mood Board, allow me to break it down to you: 

Jewel Tones 
As of late, I've been obsessing over jewel tones; emerald, gold, citrine, chartreuse, ruby, sapphire. These colors, to me, scream A/W. Not to shade anyone who gets excited over olive green, mustard. and beige but those colors don't do it for me. Jewel tones look radiant on deep complexions and is a beautiful contrast against black and charcoal gray (obvious faves.) 

We've seen every rendition of velvet imaginable in past A/W collections by designers, which have been subsequently produced by fast-fashion retailers like Zara and H&M, but honestly, I'm bored of it. Velvet is the quintessential textile for the colder months but I'd be lying if I said I care. I gravitate more towards shiny textiles like satin, lurex, and organza. These textures are great in juxtaposition with chunky knits.

Lastly on my radar are prints. See those zebra pointed-toe slingbacks? Obsessed beyond reason. Honestly, they're shoes you would find in your auntie or nana's closet from a time where animal print was as common as white people with perms but something about these shoes really excites me. What is even better about them is the fact that they're real leather + pony hair and I got them on sale at Topshop for $40 (only paid $36 thanks to the student discount.) I have also noticed a lot of leopard print popping up but my cat-eye leopard print glasses will have to be enough for me. 

I hope that break down makes this collage a little more cohesive for you, it still make zero sense to some but this is what I see in my head when I think of the season at hand. If you're ready to move past the Instagram baddie color palette and try something new, here you go. Glo' on, sis

Monday, October 10, 2016

My Current 5-Step Skin Care Routine

I'm a huge advocate for a bomb skin care routine, as I am an even bigger advocate for a beat face, but the key to a face beat to capacity is the skin underneath. Now the state of my skin has been a journey, as I have scars and hyper-pigmentation from both petty pimples and eczema, but I think I've nailed down what works for me.* 
For the most part, I have a clear complexion now thanks to a steady regime, water, exfoliation, and my poppin' gene pool. I've been using these products as of recent and my skin seems to like the combination. 

  1. Cleanse. I use Garnier Micellar Water to both remove makeup and whatever dirt has accumulated on my skin from the day. If I've gone without makeup for the day, I can get away with a 1-step cleanse; if wore makeup that day, I'll follow my micellar water cleanse with a quick foaming cleanser or one of a milkier consistency. I don't have a cleanser to recommend just yet because the ones I have are just "ok," I'm still on the hunt for a holy grail product. 
  2. Tone. After you cleanse your face, your next step is to tone. Using a toner balances the skin's pH as well as gets whatever excess dirt residue may be lingering. I used to skip this step but recently I've seen a difference from using a mixture of apple cider vinegar (ACV) and water; the water dilutes the acidity of the ACV. The ACV mixture is great, I'm pretty sure it had a hand in the fading of my dark spots but let's be real, it smells terrible. So I've switched to Thayer's Aloe Vera Witch Hazel Rose Petal Toner (that name is way too long, tbh) because as the aloe vera calms the skin, the rose water hydrates. Name a better duo, I'll wait. 
  3. Essence. Using an essence has been a new step for me but it's been a staple in the Korean beauty community for centuries. If you're not familiar, essences are basically serums in a more watery and concentrated form. Essences are used before serums as prep, getting your skin ready to absorb the nutrients and benefits of the serum you're about to use, also adding a boost of hydration. This May Coop Raw Sauce is 100% natural, made of Acer maple sap, and has an extremely lightweight consistency. It's the first essence I've tried and so far, so good. 
  4. Serum. So as of late, my pores have been getting larger (I blame the obnoxious heat the summer months brought, also causing an unusual production of oil.) Glycolic acid is great for minimizing the pores and tightening the skin. I use the Nip&Fab Glycolic Fix serum on my T-zone and cheeks, where my pores are the biggest. 
  5. Eye cream. Another newbie to my routine, I've incorporated an eye cream to moisturize the skin under my eyes and on my eye lids. The skin around your eyes is the most delicate skin on your face so you want to keep it moisturized to prevent aging. The Yes to Coconuts Eye Balm is lack luster to be honest, it gets the job done but I know there's better on the market. I'll keep you posted on my hunt for a better one, I have my eyes on the Caudalie Polyphenol C15 Anti-Wrinkle Eye & Lip Cream. I got a sample from Sephora (I'm the sample queen, you should know) and I fell in love...the gag's $42. El oh el. 
*I have combination/oily skin sensitive skin. My skin used to be extremely dry but as I've gotten older, my skin has decided to switch paths and be oily. How rude, right? Also notice how I do not have a moisturize step listed, between the tone, essence, & serum step, my skin stays pretty hydrated during the day. I'm currently on the hunt for a good night cream to seal in my routine. 

Monday, September 5, 2016

It's Happening

After many failed attempts and bouts of "analysis paralysis," it is finally happening. The blog I've been saying I would start has been started...unofficially.

Through this blog I will be exploring all that I am interested in -- fashion (specifically personal style,) health and wellness, skincare and beauty, home fashions, or the run-of-the-mill blurb about some NYC living shit -- I like it, I'll talk about it.

Through expressing my creative interests, I hope to spark something in you and ultimately figure out what the fuck I want to do in life.

Stay tuned.